That's So Deep

E. 21 - What Can We Learn From Our Regrets?

Phyllis and Julie Season 1 Episode 21
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00:00 | 49:35

Hello So Deep Peeps!  

Welcome to That’s So Deep.  This is the podcast where we try to root out loneliness one conversation at a time. Today we are talking about What We Can Learn From Our Regrets.

Some deep things we cover:

  1. Reclaiming Regret: We are joining author Daniel Pink in reclaiming regret as a useful emotion for our humanity.
  2. The Beautiful and Ephemeral Quality of Life: Regrets can be painful because there are moments that we cannot get back once they are gone.
  3. Phyllis & Julie Get Deep About Their Regrets: We talk about some of our regrets and how these regrets speak to what we value now.
  4. Abandoning Our Sisterhood for Bad Romance: We explore the messages that have reinforced the lie that our value lies in the eyes of men instead of in our own hands.
  5. We Discuss the 4 Types of Regret from Daniel Pink’s Book The Power of Regret: a) Foundation regret b) Boldness regret c) Moral regret d) Connection regret 
  6. When We Crack Open Our Regrets We Uncover Meaning: Could it be that in exploring our regrets, we find what we value most in life?


  1. Don’t be afraid of regret. Understand that it is a feeling that has evolved with humanity that is supposed to point us toward the most important things in our lives.
  2. Look within the regret and find the meaning it is pointing you towards.  What do you value now more than ever because of a regret in your life?  


We want to have a conversation with you!

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We love you and we can’t wait for our next deep conversation!

Yours in Becoming, 

Phyllis & Julie

Resources and articles we referenced in the episode:

  1. Daniel H. Pink: 4 kinds of regret -- and what they teach you about yourself | TED Talk
  2. The Power of Regret - Brené Brown
  3. REGRET: What if we'd done things differently? - We Can Do Hard Things with Glennon Doyle | Podcast on Spotify
  4. Top five regrets of the dying | Death and dying | The Guardian
  5. Kathryn Schulz: Don't regret regret | TED Talk
  6. Regrets, I Have A Few | Hidden Brain : NPR