That's So Deep
That's So Deep
E. 15 - Finding Your Inner Mentor (Based on the work from Playing Big by Tara Mohr).
Hello So Deep Peeps!
Welcome to That’s So Deep. This is the podcast where we try to root out loneliness one conversation at a time. Today we are talking about Finding Your Inner Mentor (Based on the work from Playing Big by Tara Mohr).
Some deep things we cover:
- The Inner Critic is not the only voice inside of you. There is a wiser and gentler voice and that is the voice of the Inner Mentor.
- The Role of Imagination in Empowerment: You CAN become what you haven’t seen in the outside world. You just need to see it in your inside world.
- Outer Mentors and Inner Mentors: Society has no problem telling women that their own voices are not enough. We have been trained to seek outside sources for the answers when the truest, most perfect answers are within each of us.
Carve out 30-45 minutes to visualize your Inner Mentor. Choose one of the meditations in the resources below. Find a quiet space, take a deep breath and begin. If you find your mind wandering or if you fall asleep, that’s okay, you’re just tired. Try again another day. You can prep yourself by taking a warm bath. Pour yourself a mug of warm tea. Do what you need to help you relax.
Things to keep in mind from Playing Big:
- Explore and pay attention to symbols that come up.
- Don’t take the vision too literally. If the vision shows that you are pregnant, it may not mean literally. It may just mean opportunity or abundance lie ahead.
- Keep your inner mentor to yourself…at least for a while...it is precious and yours.
Post visualization journaling questions from Playing Big:
- Write about any images, feelings & words that came to mind as you visualized.
- What was her true name? Look up the origin, root & meaning.
- What was her presence like?
- What did she look like?
- What was her home like?
- What was her parting gift to you?
Take some time to journal and answer these questions. Now that you know what your Inner Mentor looks like, allow this more fully expressed, authentic version of yourself to pull you forward into who you will become.
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We love you and we can’t wait for our next deep conversation!
Yours in Becoming,
Phyllis & Julie
Resources and articles we referenced in the episode: